Lewes BPW Board

Robert (Bob) Heffernan

Role: Assistant Treasurer

Before joining the BPW Board Bob served on BPW’s Mitigation Committee and the BPW’s Contingency Planning Subcommittee for alternative technologies. He also served on the Lewes Planning Commission.

Bob took his BPW Board seat in 2024. He and his wife, Marylinda have been a residents of Lewes since 2015 and a property owners since 1998. Bob graduated from Lehigh University in Mechanical Engineering and also earned a Masters of Business Administration.

Bob’s professional experience is as an operations executive for a manufacturing companies in the US and internationally. Bob was the long-term President of Brooks Instrument, a company that manufactured flowmeters for petroleum, semiconductor, chemical, nuclear and municipal applications. Bob is President and owner of Access4U Inc. a company that manufactures aluminum wheelchair ramps for home accessibility.

You may email Mr. Hefferan at bheffernan@lewesbpwde.gov