- Thermostat. During the summer months set your thermostat higher and lower a few degrees in the winter. Smart thermostats can help to regulate your homes temperature with ease.
- Blinds. Blinds can be adjusted to help with the inside temperature. Open blinds and curtains to allow the sunlight in on those cooler days and shut them on warmer days.
- Weatherize your home. Weather stripping and caulking can be used to keep heat or cool air from escaping. Be sure to apply to all doors and windows.
- Unplug electrical devices when not in use. Did you know chargers still pull energy, even after your device is charged?
- Check for air leaks. Do a visual inspection by checking outside your home for cracks and gaps. Another common place inside the home for cracks and gaps is electrical outlets, pipes and wires, and fireplaces. Be sure to check door and window frames.
- Ceiling Fan Direction. During warmer months, ceiling fan blades should spin counterclockwise to push air down and create a breeze.
- Laundry. Wash your laundry with cold water and air dry laundry when possible.
Additional Resources:
Efficiency Smart is a program that the BPW has partnered with to be able to provide our customers with ways to save money and reduce the amount of energy used. Tips and guides for energy savings can be found here.
Energy Star® is another great resource to find energy savings at home. To learn more, visit Energy Star®.