The Finance Committee was created on October 28, 2021 via resolution 21-005. The committee will take on an advisory role and provide summaries and recommendations to the Board. The focus of the committee will be to review the charter and policies pertaining to the BPW finances periodically. The committee does not have any decision making authority.

The committee will be comprised of a minimum of seven members but no more than nine members. The Board treasurer and assistant treasurer will serve as co-chairs to the committee. The BPW General Manager, BPW Finance Director, a city council representative. The remaining seats will be filled by citizens volunteers selected by the Board.

Finance Committee Co-Chairs

Richard Nichols, BPW Treasurer

Richard Nichols

Bob Heffernan, BPW Assistant Treasurer

Committee Members

Austin Calaman, BPW General Manager

Kimberly Bellere, BPW Finance Director

Amy Marasco, City councilperson

Carolyn Jones

Michael Hogan

Calvin Jaber